June 18th – a bit more testing – Day 3

I’m glad I got the majority of the testing over yesterday.  Jet lag, hunger, and numb limbs are not a great combination.  Today I am back to feeling like Nancy once again.  I think I made a few people concerned about my well being yesterday.  So sorry.

Luba came in and asked there was anything she could do for me.  She made me tea, brought me clean towels and was really helpful. She was trying to assess the level of help I would need and asked if I could walk on my own.

I was told not to eat again this morning in preparation for the abdominal and pelvic ultrasound testing.
Dr. Fedorenko told me last night that it was ok for me to drink water and tea.  I get really thirsty and am not used to salty food at all.

Maria performed my ultrasound.  She apologized for her lack of English, but was able to ask me if I had eaten. “No.” Then she asked how many millimeters I had to drink today.  I had no idea, whatsoever.  She asked how many children I had and was impressed that I had 3.  She has one 8 year old daughter who is very sweet and loving, but likes to sleep too  much.  I  told her I did too : )
When she wanted me to breathe in, she said, “Abdomen up”. Ludmila was the tech who helped her.  She made sure I got up slowly, so I would not be dizzy. When I asked her name, she told me the doctor’s name.  She was surprised that I wanted to know who she was.
* It is interesting for me to see that the office, computer, desks etc. and administrative work is done in the same room as all the testing.  There are curtains, but it is one large room.  In the USA, there are always separate exam rooms and offices.  Let me know how it is in ‘your’ country if you have a chance. So far the equipment used has been made by GE and Siemens.  As far as ring tones on phones, I’ve heard the Beatles, “Yesterday”, and today the theme song from The Godfather.

I had breakfast after testing.  Porridge and a single egg.  I only get one egg and am happy that Stevie does not eat eggs.  Carol delivered his egg to me!!!  I am also happy that Maxwell House does make coffee you can count on!  My first little pouch of instant coffee with powdered milk was a perfect breakfast beverage.

Marian and Robert came after breakfast.  The ATM machine at the Vega did not disperse their money and did not return their card.  The concierge at the Vega solved the problem quickly and  the ATM card was retrieved.

Sheila and Dan arrived this morning and are meeting everyone and getting settled.

The final testing was done by the Opthamologist. Visual Field test, glaucoma, vision etc. and the testing is complete.  Tomorrow, Dr. Fedorenko will go over the results with us.  I’m going to bed early tonight!!!

The WORD LENS app works well.  While maybe not an exact translation, a lot can be figured out using the app.




and for food items



Cottage Cheese Soft is Yogurt : )

Cottage Cheese Soft is Yogurt : )

Nurses Station on the 3rd floor

Nurses Station on the 3rd floor

This is a scale!

This is a scale!


One more important note:   When someone offers you a thermometer, don’t assume you should put it in your mouth.  I did and it was not the right spot.  No, not there either, thank goodness.  They put it under the armpit!

June 17, 2014 Testing today – Day 2

Nurse Sveltvana woke me up very gently at 6:45am.  Her job was to swab a few orifices.  She was gentle : )
Nurse Galina woke me at 8:15 to draw blood.  That went very well too.
I had already provided a urine sample around 5am, so I was still sleepy.
Breakfast was just delivered at 8:40.  It was placed on the fridge, not my table.  She (did not stay long enough for me to ask her name) shook her head and finger and said, “No.”
I’m still fasting for a bit more : )

We had our pulmonary and cardiac function tested and our veins were checked for any signs of thrombosis via ultrasound. It was just a short walk away.  Everyone was really sweet and explained what we needed to do. Anastasia was with us to help translate too.
I was so happy when we were allowed to eat, but mostly I was so tired.
I had a few bites to eat and it was time for my MRI.  The MRI machine is located far away.  There is an intricate underground tunnel system with many twists and turns.  The staff has their own favorite way to go, but still can learn a new way when they are wheeling two of us to our destination. Laying on the MRI table caused my legs and hands to get numb halfway through the testing.  I was really uncomfortable, but kept breathing and dreaming.
I was wheeled back to my room and had a bit more to eat.  Marian and Robert came and it was time to go back through the tunnel for my X-ray.  My lower back was throbbing and my legs continued to be numb.  I believe this is a lumbar problem and not related to MS.  I tried deep breathing to stay calm and distract myself.

I was wheeled back to my room for a real meal and I slept for a few hours. Dr. Fedorenko came for a visit.  I asked if I could take my own 800 mg Advil and get some ice for my back.  Both helped a lot and I was much more comfortable. He gave me his cell #, in case I needed him during the night.  My old iphone 4 will not make any calls here.  If I ever need to speak to Dr. Fedorenko, I’ll call the nurse first.
Marian and Robert told me about their day of touring Red Square and visiting Lenin’s tomb with Matt,  Andrea’s husband.  I wish I could go touring with them, but I have my own mission in Moscow!

I showered and asked the nurse about doing my laundry.  She was very helpful and wanted to know if I wanted my dark and light clothes laundered separately : )  I was so happy to have clean clothes, no worries about mixing everything together!  Bedtime for me!

I’m trying to learn a little more Russian every day.  Some sounds are not familiar at all.  Anastasia says the ‘th’ sound is not one the Russians use.  I’m looking forward to seeing Sheila and her husband Dan tomorrow.