June 21, 2014 – Beautiful day for a group stroll – Day 6

Spoke with Dr. Fedorenko about getting fresh fruits and vegees with each meal.  I’m not in isolation yet!
Immediately, Luda brought me a banana!!!  More good news…a bit more exciting than the banana.
Sheila Rihm had her talk with Dr. Fedorenko and she has been accepted for treatment.  Although, we recently officially met, we’ve been fb friends for many years and have chatted on the phone too : )
I’m so very happy for her and her family.

Dr. Fedorenko wants us to be healthy and happy.  He asks if the bed is ok and  if the nurses and support staff are taking good care of us.  He gives us our daily schedule and his schedule as well.  We have his cell # handy,  We are all feeling safe, nurtured  and well taken care of  medically.  We are given fresh shower towels and ample toilet paper.  I think he’s gone above and beyond taking care of just our medically related needs.

I went for a walk with Carol, Stevie, their son Harry (from London)  this afternoon.   Church was closed, but we looked around it again.  I’m expecting it will be open on Sunday : )

The funds needed for my treatment are slowly coming in.  As difficult as it was to fundraise from home, it’s even more difficult here.  Thank you for todays donations :  friends from far out west that have donated before, and from those down south who have helped me on numerous occasions, and from my  wonderful neighbors in Shipleys.  Hope to thank you all  in person one day!!!

XOXOX – any corporate sponsors  who might be able to help out?

Thank you all for your support!!!


June 20, 2014 Stem Cell Stimulation Begins – not enough funds for payment – Day 5

I’m calm about the treatment beginning.  I’ve received my first dose of steroids this morning.
However, I’m extremely nervous that I have not raised enough funds to pay for the treatment.
I hoping some wonderful benefactor  will come through at the last minute. Time will tell.


First day of treatment, steroids before tonights Neupogen subcutaneous shot

First day of treatment, steroids before the Neupogen subcutaneous shots tonight.

Yesterday,  7 of us left the hospital grounds.  It was my first shopping trip to a local grocery store.  I made it down half one aisle and my iphone was gone.  I got dill, cilantro, arugula, tomatoes and cucumbers.  Not my best day.

I think this is the guy who swiped my phone,

I think this is the guy who swiped my phone.  Still happy I have tomatoes.

Irina is on the cleaning staff and she’s a medical assistant too.  She works 24 hour days, smiles and teaches me Russian too.  She’s going on vacation for 10 days, but I will see her when she returns.

Irina is on the cleaning staff and has many other skills too!!!

The wonderful Irina!

tried to find my phone, but only my ipad showed up.

tried to find my phone, but only my ipad showed up.

Marian and Robert came during breakfast.  We tidied up and got organized once again.  Tried to unsuccessfully  set up viber on my ipad now that my phone is awol.  Had trouble with skype as well.   While I was figuring out if there was any way to get my phone back, Marian and Robert went searching for more supplies for me.


Robert had a fun adventure!


He was a beautiful damsel.

                                                                                         They did some exploring along the way.

IMG_0429 IMG_0427Back at the hospital, we gathered for some bonding.  Marian has to stay covered, although we are not sure why.
At least she should have served us food : )

DSCN3331 DSCN3328

Sheila had undergone a full day of  testing.  Carol may have been picking up her son, Harry from the airport.

Gates to the church

Gates to the church







Beautiful church, but not handicap accessible.  We're going in today anyway.

Beautiful church, but not handicap accessible. We’re going in today anyway.


A rare photo of Robert smiling !

A rare photo of Robert smiling!






Marian tried to take many photos because it was her last day in Moscow with me.

Marian tried to take many photos because it was her last day in Moscow with me.

                                                                Beautiful Church right outside the entrance to our rooms.


I love interesting door knockers : )

another interesting knocker with a cross

another interesting knocker with a cross

                                                                               We explored and found a beautiful green house.



Taking photos of the green house


someone takes good care of all the plants

someone takes good care of all the plants


An old beautiful lock



                                        Marian and Robert’s last day.  They tried to take as many photos as possible.

photo op : )

photo op : )


elevator selfie

Irina is going to be missed!